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1 Preamble
5. Access to Education
2 Definitions
3 General Students Rights
4 Equal Opportunity
6 Quality of Education
7. Student Representation


1.        Preamble

This Charter of Student Rights and Responsibilities sets out the fundamental rights and responsibilities of students and Thongsook College.


It recognizes that excellence in teaching and learning requires students to be active participants in their educational experience. It upholds the ethos that in addition to the College's role of awarding formal academic qualifications to students, the College must strive to instil in all students independent scholarly learning, critical judgement, academic integrity, and ethical sensitivity.


This Charter also recognizes that students are central to a dynamic College community. In doing so, the College recognizes the importance of student rights, responsibilities, and opinion and encourages diversity within the student body.


Students retain their fundamental rights as set out in relevant legislation and in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Everything in this Charter is limited by anything to the contrary in relevant national legislation as well as the College’s statutes, by-laws, regulations, and rules.


This Charter is a statement of principles that the College shall take all reasonable and practicable steps to put into effect. The College expects the same of students. Many clauses contain references to particular College policies which explain the manner in which the College will take those reasonable and practicable steps.


The breach of any student responsibility does not automatically invalidate any student rights. Consideration of student rights and responsibilities will be dealt with through the appropriate College policies and procedures.



2.        Definitions

For the purpose of this policy and any associated procedures,

“student” means an individual enrolled at the College in one or more units towards a higher education award course or an enabling course or undertaking units through College Extension other than on an audit only basis;


“Student organisations,” unless specified otherwise in a specific policy referred to in this Charter, means the Student Council or Student Advisory Board;


“College” means Thongsook College of Thailand and includes any of the College's constituent entities, whether in Thailand or elsewhere, and any person acting in the capacity as a representative of the College or any of its constituent entities;


“Campus” means all the land vested in the College, zoned for educational purposes, and not assigned to other entities;


“Affirmative action obligations” are as specified in relevant national and international legislation and agreements;


“Intellectual freedom” includes the right to express opinions about the operations of the College and higher education policy more generally; to pursue critical and open inquiry and to discuss freely, publish, and research; to participate in public debates; to participate in professional and representative bodies and to engage in community service without fear of harassment, intimidation, or unfair treatment; and the right to express unpopular or controversial views. Intellectual Freedom is accompanied by a responsibility not to harass, vilify, intimidate, or defame the College or its community.



3. General Student Rights and Responsibilities


3.1       Every student has the right:


(a) to be recognized as an individual member of the College community with all associated rights of access to College services and facilities;

(b) to be treated fairly and ethically, with respect and dignity;

(c) to study in a supportive and encouraging environment;

(d) to pursue resolution when the individual student's rights referred to in this Charter are in tension with the rights of others, under the rights of representation and grievance specified within the Charter;

(e) to assemble in a peaceful manner in the general open spaces of the campus;

(f) to be free of College censorship of material they publish, whether for distribution on the campus or elsewhere;

(g) of access to their academic records;

(h) to have a right of privacy and confidentiality;

(i) to protection against retrospective amendment of any statute, by-law, regulation, rule, policy, or administrative guideline; and

(j) to have access to the statutes, regulations, rules, and policies of the College which apply to them; and


3.2       Every student has the responsibility:


(a) to recognize the rights of others including the rights of every other student covered by this Charter as well as the rights of staff and visitors;

(b) to obey the laws of the Kingdom;

(c) to respect and uphold principles of scholarly integrity;

(d) to make themselves aware of and comply with statutes, regulations, rules, and policies of the College which apply to them;

(e) to ensure that their student record is accurate at all times;

(f) to uphold the reputation of the College while engaged in College activities; and

(g) not to purport to speak or act on behalf of the College unless explicitly authorized to do so.


4.      Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination


4.1       Every student has the right:


(a) to study in an environment committed to the principles of equity and equality of opportunity, the recognition of diversity, and the fulfilment of affirmative action obligations;

(b) to have access to education, services and representation regardless of: gender or gender history, sexual orientation, race, relationship status, pregnancy, political conviction, religious conviction, physical or mental impairment, family responsibilities or family status, age, language, ethnicity, national or social origin, socio-economic status, property, or birth or other status;

(c) to be free from all sexual, physical, and racial harassment and from other inappropriate behavior;

(d) to have consideration given to the making of alternative arrangements for academic commitments to allow for religious or other cultural observance or family responsibilities; and

(e) to have consideration given to the making of alternative arrangements for academic commitments to allow for any impairment or any medical condition.


4.2       Every student has the responsibility:


(a) to act at all times in a way that respects the rights and privileges of others;

(b) to respect the equity and diversity of all members of the College community;

(c) to respect College property and the property of others; and

(d) to make requests for alternative arrangements in a timely manner in order to facilitate consideration.



5.      Access to Education


5.1       Every student has the right:


(a) to be considered for selection into courses or units on the basis of criteria that is valid, explicit, fair, and reliable;

(b) to be free of course-related fees and charges other than those levied in accordance with relevant College policy;

(c) to ensure reasonable access to academic staff for assistance as well as to the various academic support services; and

(d) to access relevant information provided by the College, including that concerning financial assistance provided or promoted by the College such as grants, scholarships, and loans.


5.2      Every student has the responsibility:


(a) to disclose to the College (or its agent) all information required for assessment of an application for admission to a course and other requests for services and provide truthful statements about their qualifications and experience; and

(b) to complete administrative obligations in a timely manner and pay any fees, charges, or fines as they fall due or in the case where the student is unable to pay, to contact the relevant staff member in order to make alternative arrangements for payment.



6.      Quality of Education


6.1       Every student has the right:


(a) to expect the College to provide a high quality of education including a high quality of teaching, supervision, curriculum, and unit content, a commitment to inclusivity, and good access to staff;

(b) to access accurate, timely, and sufficient information regarding enrolment and other administrative procedures;

(c) to access accurate, timely, and sufficient information concerning each unit in which they might enrol, including time-tabling, assessment details, fees, and attendance requirements;

(d) to have the content and outcomes of each unit and any relevant information communicated effectively and clearly in the language(s) approved for that unit;

(e) to assessment that is valid, educative, explicit, reliable, and fair;

(f) to have their intellectual property and copyright recognized;

(g) to be able to communicate freely, to voice alternative points of view in rational debate, and to have their intellectual freedom protected;

(h) to expect the College to provide a safe and accessible environment, including facilities, equipment, and grounds;

(i) to transparency regarding agreements and funding arrangements between the College and any other entity which might inappropriately impact on a unit or course in which they are enrolled or research project on which they are engaged; and

(j) to have the opportunity to contribute feedback on the teaching and supervision they experience and to make suggestions for future course planning and to do so under full protection of intellectual freedom.


6.2       Every student has the responsibility:


(a) to bring an open and enquiring mind and enthusiasm to their studies;

(b) to participate actively in the teaching and learning and research environment, in particular by attending classes as required, complying with workload expectations, and submitting required work on time;

(c) to be aware of all unit or subject information made available to them and to raise any questions or concerns with the appropriate staff member in a timely manner, also to make their learning needs known to appropriate staff members in a timely manner;

(d) to take an active part in the management of their enrollment with the College and monitor their own progress within the teaching/learning environment;

(e) to understand that despite all efforts to promote successful teaching and learning outcomes, student work may still not reach the standard required to pass a unit;

(f) to recognize the fundamental principle of intellectual freedom and to seek to safeguard this principle and freedom;

(g) to adhere to the principles of ethical scholarship and academic integrity during the course of their studies; and

(h) to contribute fair and honest feedback on the teaching and supervision they experience when requested to do so.



7. Student Representation


7.1       Every student has the right:


(a) to have their opinion represented through the Student Council on all matters affecting students.

(b) to representation on major decision-making bodies of the College either through direct election or by nomination through a recognized student body; and

(c) to have the right, notwithstanding the existence of formal representation, to convey personal or collective opinion to the College Head or other College administrative persons.


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