Located in Bangkok, Thailand, Thongsook College's international Bachelor of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages is aimed at developing qualified English language teachers at all levels. It provides new and current teachers of English the knowledge and skills needed to teach effectively and maximize language learning using the latest methods and theories.

Our courses are taught on campus and are offered during weekdays and weekends with the flexibility of attending the college during Academic semester breaks. Students are required to meet the 45 hours face to face class attendance which involves class participation, presentations, group-work, projects, in-class research, field-trips, midterm and final exams as well as a literature review research paper.

The full course consists of 120 credits.Students are allowed to register up to 51 credits per academic year.
This is a four-year program that can be completed in three years
The total tuition is 200,000 Baht and payments are due at the start of each semester
Licensed by the Ministry of Education since 2012
Program Description
Bachelor of Arts Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Foundation Courses
(21 credits)
0101101 Ethics and Life
This is a look at the meaning and importance of morality. This module looks at the study of the value of morality and its varying views, such as the Buddhist morality as guidance for life and solving social situations. We will look at the past and present views of morality and how it can be developed by an individual to help live a happy life.
0101102 Eastern Western Civilization
Here we take a look at the evolution and civilizations of the eastern and western worlds and the differences in the developments of politics, society and education. We will study the events that have affected ideas, arts, history, philosophy, religion, science, music and literature in order to compare how the differing cultures have influenced life in the past and present.
0102106 Law & Society
Here we will look at legal processes, law enforcement, legal obstructions toward changes and social development. We will look at the relationship between law and social factors such as political and economic matters, family, heritage, education, sport recreation, public health and the media.
0102110 The Philosphy of Suffiency Economy
This module specifically looks at the Thai economy, its development and what effects this development has had. We will look at the reasons behind the philosophy of a sufficient economy and how it can be applied to individuals, communities, institutions and the country as a whole. This also covers a study of the royal projects.
0104101 - Human and Environment
This class is designed to help students learn how to build lesson plans. A step-by-step guide to complete this course can be found in the Mini-Library -> 1st year -> Human and Environment
0104102 Introduction to Statistics
The principles and basic concepts of using statistics as an analysis tool for data, trends, probability, and parameters, as well as hypothetical tests for means, variable and ratios.
0104103 Introduction to Information Technology
This module covers basic knowledge of computers and information technology. This covers components and functions of hardware, software and multimedia technology. The functions of the internet how it is used for information research, as well as e-mail and word processing programs.
Major Required Courses
(33 credits)
0701205 Teaching Reading
This module looks at the principles, procedures and required materials for teaching English reading skill to learners of English as a second language.
0701206 Teaching Writing
Here we will look at the principles, procedures and required materials for teaching English writing skills to learners of English as a second language.
0701207 Teaching Listening and Speaking
Here we will look at the principles, procedures and required materials for teaching English listening and speaking skills to learners of English as a second language.
TESOL Internship 1
The TESOL Internship 1 project is designed to give students a solid foundation on which they can develop their skills as reflective practitioners. Internship one has five stages which include an Induction, Short-field experience, Mid-assessment, Long-field experience and the Final-assessment stage.The TESOL Internship 1 project consists of 300 hour which provides students with 30 hours of introductory information and support, and involves focused workshops, training and reflection, and 270 hours of field experience teaching with guidance from a cooperating mentor and an adviser from Thongsook College.
0701306 TESOL Internship 2
0701401 Student Teaching (Reflective Journals)
The TESOL Internship 1 project is designed to give students a solid foundation on which they can develop their skills as reflective practitioners. Internship one has five stages which include an Induction, Short-field experience, Mid-assessment, Long-field experience and the Final-assessment stage.The TESOL Internship 1 project consists of 300 hour which provides students with 30 hours of introductory information and support, and involves focused workshops, training and reflection, and 270 hours of field experience teaching with guidance from a cooperating mentor and an adviser from Thongsook College.
0701304 Language Acquisition / Phonology, Morphology and Syntax / Methodolgy Research Paper
(9 Credits)
Major Elective Courses (Min 18 credits)
0103101 Thai for Communication
This module will give an overview of the principles of communication and the skills required for reading, listening, speaking and writing Thai efficiently. We will also look at the principle of ideas, conversations and discussion and lecturing with discretion. This also includes the analysis and understanding of ideas, how to summarise them and the principles of writing business letter and reports, training methods and giving seminars effectively.
0702101 English I
This module looks at English language skills in terms of listening, speaking, and reading and writing, pronunciation, English in daily life and the use of dictionaries. We will also look at English grammar and idiom within paragraphs and understanding main ideas for listening and reading.
0702102 English II
An introduction to the study of language. This covers its structure, history, acquisitions, variability and neurological basis.
Core Courses
(33 Credits)
0701401 Intro to LInguistics
An introduction to the study of language. This covers its structure, history, acquisitions, variability and neurological basis.
0701102 Introduction to TESOL
This provides a fundamental is the teaching of English as a second language. This includes teaching skills, the challenges facing ESL learners and its on-going professional development. Education students with a desire to teach in the US public school system will also find this module highly beneficial.
0701103 Phonology
All aspects of phonetics and phonology are examined in this module. This includes pronunciation and the way sounds are formed, stress, rhythm and intonation. All of which will be applied in learning and teaching situations.
0701201 TESOL Vocabulary
Here we will look at the principles, procedures and required materials for teaching English vocabulary to learners of English as a second language.
0701104 English Grammar
This is a historical review of the approach and specific role of the English grammar system in the ESL classroom. We will also look at the major syntactic patterns of English and how they affect the way we form sentences. We will also look at the major syntactic patterns of English and how they affect the we form sentences.
0701202 Sociolinguistics
This module coves how language relates to society. We will look at the relationship between communities and language (such as bilingualism and language shift) and the political and cultural impact of English language teaching worldwide.rite a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
0701203 Second Language Testing and Research Materials
This covers the theories and techniques of how to measure and evaluate within second language learning. This includes the selection, interpretation, and preparation of testing and evaluating, as well as the development of fundamental statistical processes. This module also explores the basic principle of research design and methodology in TESOL and linguistics.
0701204 Language Acquisition
This is an examination of sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics aspects of first and second language learning and specific research into the acquisition of second languages.
0701301 TESOL Methods and Materials
Here we will provide an overview of teaching techniques, activities and materials. This includes a survey of language-teaching trends, approaches and methods, with a particular emphasis on the communicative approach.
0701302 Classroom Management
Our in-depth study of effective classroom management practices will help our students gain an understanding of the specific applications required in order to control and manage a classroom successfully. This is a prerequisite for formal admission to the Department of Education.
0701403 Materials Development
This course promotes systematic, analytical approaches to curricular and instructional planning. Surveys contemporary theories of learning, instruction, and instructional design, and requires application of these theories to the preparation of educational materials. Although planning for classroom activities and presentations is discussed, primary focus is on design of materials that support independent learning.
0701209 Human Growth and Learning
This course focuses on human development from birth through adulthood. Students will learn how thoughts and actions change over a life-span and how individuals change as they age. This course covers theories of development from a biological, social, emotional and intellectual aspect.
0701210 Understanding Learning and Teaching
This course examines and identifies the concepts, principles, and models or curriculum and the interrelationships of these elements in developing programs and evaluation them.
0701310 Systematic Design of Instruction
This course promotes systematic, analytical approaches to curricular and instructional planning. Surveys contemporary theories of learning, instruction, and instructional design, and requires application of these theories to the preparation of educational materials. Although planning for classroom activities and presentations is discussed, primary focus is on design of materials that support independent learning.
0701403 Learning in the Academic Disciplines
his course is an introduction to general theories of human learning and their application to learning in academic disciplines. The course explores some aspects of the relationships among sociology, technology, and human learning, and raises pedagogical and curricular issues related to the creation of instruction and learning environments in subject matter domains.
0701404 Teachers in Context
An examination of the influence of sociological, cultural, and historical factors on the place of teachers in society and the professional practice of teaching with an emphasis on representative countries.
0701405 Teaching English to Young Learners
Issues and practices of teaching ESL/FL to young learners, including developmental psychology, age-appropriate language tasks and assessment procedures and classroom management.
0701406 Educational Research
Concepts of research methodologies and educational research area, identification of research problem, research process, research design, research analysis, interpretation, summarizing results and drawing conclusions, research report and research evaluation, including research proposal practicum.bout? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
0701407 Curriculum Development
This course examines and identifies the concepts, principles, and models of curricula, and the inter-relationships of these elements in developing and evaluating educational programs.