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In-Class Assignments
Daily Homework and Final Evaluation
Research and Academic Papers
Course Retake


1. Participation


Attendance makes up a large part of your participation grade in every class. For every day that you do not attend class, you will drop up to 18 points from your final grade (e.g. A becomes B).  Refer to the student attendance policy for further policy-related information on attendance scores.

            Participation grades are also noted within two more elements, namely, your attentiveness in class and your participation in daily activities.  Team evaluation forms are used to mark participation scores after group activities (i.e. jigsaw sessions, labs, presentations, and demonstrations).  The lecturer will also note anything else she/he feels is appropriate for a given class, such as an increase in scores for outstanding participation or a decrease in scores for using one’s phone or computer during class time for personal use.

            Participation grades typically make up 30% of our overall grades in each class and the lecturer will use all of the above-mentioned tools in order to mark this score, including attendance sheets, team evaluation forms, and any anecdotal notes or more extensive documentation.

            Factors that may affect your participation grade include: missing a day of class, missing a half day of class, morning or afternoon tardiness, tardiness to integrated/expert team meetings, and making insignificant contributions to group activities.


2. In-Class Assignments


    In-class assignments are factored into overall scores in several ways.  A lecturer may collect or ask that the following be submitted via the forum: lesson plans, course modules, reflective documentation, recordings, lab work, including worksheets, essays, less extensive research, and a number of other assignments. These will be used to mark scores for in-class assignments that makes up 10-20% of your overall grade.

            Since submissions of in-class assignments rely on that day’s content and group dynamics, in-class assignments cannot be made up at a later time.

3. Daily Homework and Final Evaluation


    A lecturer may ask you to take your lab work home to finish for the next day, or keep an assignment for a few days for research purposes.  A video, or series of videos, may be assigned to you for viewing at home with an accompanying in-class assignment on the following day.

Most, if not all, of our reading materials are provided ahead of time, and in order to have a college-level understanding of the subject matter, it is highly recommended that you engage in the reading material in the respective mini-libraries at home before each course.  This should have a dramatic effect on your overall grade since it will put you further ahead in research.

Toward the end of the five days in class, usually on the third or fourth day, it is common for expert groups to take on homework.  These groups normally coordinate and network via email in order to construct a final project for the week, such as a presentation or lesson demonstration.  Your group’s presentation will most likely be factored into your in-class assignments. This presentation should be graded on the perceived level of knowledge, the content delivery, and its organization but NOT on a student’s particular oratory skills, especially not on a student’s level of charisma or bravado.

Homework may be a small part of your grade: 10-20%, and it may be factored into grades for in-class assignments.  Presentations, meanwhile, are typically graded as a final evaluation and are worth 10-20% of your grade.  Homework can be made up based on the lecturer’s discretion and course context, but presentations cannot be made up under any circumstances.  Presentations are to be delivered on the fourth or final day of class.  After the last day of class, the lecturer is only responsible for grading academic research papers.

4. Research and Academic Papers

            Most of our courses require some kind of final paper based on the subject matter, be it essays, or more likely, academic research papers that incorporate secondary method of research.  Papers are generally due no later than the following week after a course ends, prior to 12:00 midnight (sometimes, and depending on the lecturer’s discretion, a student is given an extra day or two until Sunday at midnight of that same weekend).

            Upon submission, your instructor will receive the assignment in her/his email inbox.  Lecturers should give you some form of feedback on these papers (through comments or criteria-referenced highlights) although extended comments can’t be expected due to workload.  For grading purposes, lecturers will provide you with a grading rubric for the assigned paper. After two weeks, generally, all grades should be submitted and upon completing the Student Questionnaire grades are then listed on students’ transcripts. For non face-to-face courses such as Research Papers or Internships, grades will be added at the end of every Semester.   Also, a student who will be late in her/his final research paper submission should alert the instructor.  Research papers are a mandatory requirement for every course. Failure to submit your course research paper on time will result in failing the course, unless you receive prior written permission from your instructor.


5. Course Re-take

Thongsook College permits students to re-take a course only if the grade obtained is an F. Students are also advised that the F grade will not be replaced despite re-taking and receiving a pass grade (A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D).

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