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Procedures for Grade Dispute


Thongsook College recognizes that at times students may believe that a grade has been unfairly assigned and wish to dispute it. Thongsook College adheres to the procedures for academic-related grievances and therefore, students majoring in a program have the right to bring a grade dispute by following the steps outlined below.

First Step | Instructor of Record


The student must first contact the instructor to discuss the grade dispute. The instructor may ask the student for additional materials as necessary, in an effort to resolve the dispute. If the grade dispute remains unresolved, the student within their rights can initiate the second step of the grade dispute procedure.

Second Step | Academic Board


If the matter is not resolved between the student and the instructor, the student has the option of bringing their grievance in writing to the Academic Board of the program. The Academic Board at their discretion to hear the grievance in person or to consider only written materials. The Academic Board may require additional information as necessary. If the Academic Board denies the grievance, the student has the option to appeal the decision by initiating the final steps of the grade dispute process.

Third and Final Step | Director of the International Programs


Students wishing to appeal to the Director of the International Programs are required to complete the Grade Dispute Form and provide supporting documentation as listed on the form. All documents should be submitted in hard copy to the International Programs Office. The Director of the International Programs will review the documents and may contact the student, instructor, and the Academic Board members to obtain additional information. Once the review has been completed, the Director of the International Programs will notify the student of the decision via email. The decision of the Director of the International Programs is the final step of the grade dispute procedures. Neither the Academic Board nor the Director of the International Programs shall change a grade without consulting with and fully considering the position of the course instructor. The instructor shall be fully advised as to the resolution of the grievance.

For more information about grade disputes, please contact the International Programs Office.


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