ga('require', 'GTM-N2NPVJV');
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Purpose of the policy

The purpose of this policy is to set out specific procedures and performance standards to ensure that employees of Thongsook College are properly supervised and their performance is regularly appraised.  


  • Implementation of a performance based supervision system appropriate to the employee’s duties and responsibilities.


  • Documentation of the supervision process.


  • Linkage of training and development goals to the supervision process.


  • Linkage of performance appraisals to the supervision process and training and development goals.


This policy applies to all of the Thongsook College programs and activities.


The Policy


Thongsook College is committed to ensuring that all employees are properly supervised and their performance is regularly appraised.  The policy aims to achieve this objective by implementing a formal supervision system linked to agreed training and development goals and an objective performance appraisal process.  The policy will assist Thongsook College to meet its obligations to practice sound management standards which maximise outcomes for all.


The Procedure


The following procedures are to be implemented to ensure that Thongsook College meets its policy objective of ensuring that all employees are properly supervised and appraised.


Thongsook College will:


1. Establish formal supervision procedures for all employees.


2. Ensure that every employee is allocated a supervisor and receives regular supervision and feedback.


3. Provide all employees in supervisory roles with appropriate written information and/or formal training on performance based supervision.


4. Ensure that all employees receive regular supervision in a manner and at a frequency that is appropriate to their tasks and responsibilities.


5. Ensure that all employees have one formal supervision session each three months block with their allocated manager/supervisor.


6. Require the manager/supervisor to maintain written records of the content and outcomes of each employee supervision session.


7. Require the manager/supervisor to maintain an Employee Training and Development Record for each employee in accordance with the Policy on Employee Training and Development.


8. Complete an annual performance appraisal on all Thongsook College employees at least once per year.


9. Include in the annual performance appraisal a rating of the employee’s performance against the duty statement, outcome of training and development activities, employee strengths and areas for improvement, and recommendations for further training and development.


Performance Standards


The following performance standards must be met to ensure that the procedures specified are implemented effectively:


1. All new employees have been provided with access to the Thongsook College Policy on Employee Supervision and Appraisal.


2. All employees have an identified manager/supervisor.


3. Employees have received formal Appraisal quarterly (13-weekly) intervals.


4. Supervisors understand their role as a manager/supervisor.


5. Written records of Appraisal sessions have been maintained in an appropriate file by the manager/supervisor.


6. Employees have a written annual appraisal of their performance completed by their manager/supervisor at least annually and within one month of their appointment anniversary date.


7. Any grievances have been addressed in accordance with the supervision and appraisal principles and procedures outlined in this policy and the Policy on Staff Grievances.  Action Plan prepared and signed off.


**Failure to comply with this policy will be viewed seriously and may, result in disciplinary action, that may include dismissal.

Review of the Policy

This policy will be reviewed on a two-yearly basis.  However, if at any time the legislative, policy or funding environment is so altered that the policy is no longer appropriate in its current form, the policy shall be reviewed immediately and amended accordingly.

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